

We accompany your project from the architectural draft and support you in the development and testing of controllers, operating interfaces and safety functions according to ISO 26262. Our requirements management focuses on the entire chain of effects - from the operating and display concept to the hardware connection.

In addition to the development of vehicle functions, we optimize your development process with tailor-made tools.


Simulations can do many things. For us, an agile, iterative development process also means that new functions can be experienced in the vehicle as early as possible. We support you in the construction and commissioning of concept vehicles.

Beyond the concept phase, we look after your system up to the final release and support you with the application of controllers, the support of the development fleet and with tests - on the test site and in customer-oriented operation.


As the range of functions increases, so do the interfaces and dependencies between control units and controllers. Our integration management keeps an overview for you and, with efficient error and change management, ensures that sources of error are quickly identified or avoided directly.

We support you in data record and approval management and bring your function to its goal safely and on time.

This allows you to focus undisturbed on developing the scopes that differentiate your brand from others.

Customer benefit

Time savings and capacity relief

Independent project implementation

Personal project reports

Improving productivity

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